boo bash

Our biggest and spookiest fundraiser of the year!

book fair

Hosted in the Fall and Spring, book fairs are a great way to keep your shelves stocked.

boxtops for education

Earn money for Don Juan Avila when purchasing products for your family. Earn $0.10 per BoxTop.

celebration books

Celebrate your child’s accomplishments and help grow our library through Don Juan Avila’s Celebration Book Club!

direct donations

Eagles soar to the top! Every dollar donated stays right here at school and goes directly to making DJAES the best place to learn!


eScrip is a hassle-free way for schools to raise funds through everyday purchases made at eScrip merchants.

Fun Run

Hosted in the Spring, the annual Fun Run is a DJAES favorite!

marquee shoutouts

Order a Marquee Shout-Out and see your message on the big screen.

Use our unique discount code at for personalized labels and stationery and our school will receive 15% of proceeds!

ralphs community contribution

Earn money for DJAES just by doing your regular grocery shopping!

restaurant nights

Eat out and earn money for our school!  Just mention DJAES fundraiser or present a flyer and our school benefits!

spirit wear

From t-shirts to hats, find your perfect look to show off your Eagle pride!

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